Author Archives: admin

Do-It-Yourself Home Safety

One of the most essential elements of owning a home is to keep it safe at all times. It's easy to avoid thinking about how easily a burglar could gain access into your home when you are fast asleep or when you're away. While it's difficult to protect your home from professional thieves, most home burglaries are done by amateurs. These thieves are more easily thwarted if you employ some of these simple security precautions. Every home is at Read More...

Never Lose Your Keys Again: Some Practical Tips

One of the last things that any person would want to lose are his keys. Just imagine the trouble of being locked out of your home or car, how much more if you’re caught up in the rain or running late for a meeting? It will be a total disaster and will most likely create a negative impact on the day ahead. The good thing about losing your keys, like any unwanted situation, is that it can be avoided. It Read More...

Avoid Illegal Locksmiths

Illegal locksmiths caused annoyances in Nevada and several other states by placing hard-to-remove stickers on private property. They further insulted residents and business owners by using fake addresses to avoid getting caught. This is a popular scam tactic for locksmiths who are in the business for the wrong reasons. There are an unbelievable number of illegal locksmiths across the United States who operate many different businesses under many different names while being licensed under only one name. Many illegal locksmiths Read More...

Deadbolt Locks: Guaranteed Safe and Cheap

  By now, you should know that home security has been taken to a whole new level. Gone are the days when families, business owners and typical citizens are highly susceptible to crimes like burglary and robbery. Today, the kind of security tools available to us meet the growing demand for tighter and tougher measures to guarantee home and personal safety. While alarm systems are fast becoming popular in the market, a significant amount of buyers still favor the traditional locks that most Read More...

Home Security When You’re Away

Burglers always look for signs that a house is uninhabited -- and the longer the house is empty, the more vulnerable it becomes. Follow these tips for keeping your house secure while you're away: If your plans to be away from home have been publicized through a funeral, wedding, or similar newspaper notice, hire a house sitter. Burglars often read the newspapers to see who's planning to be away from home all day or for several days. Ask your neighbors to Read More...