Blog Post

Home Security When You’re Away

Burglers always look for signs that a house is uninhabited — and the longer the house is empty, the more vulnerable it becomes. Follow these tips for keeping your house secure while you’re away:

  • If your plans to be away from home have been publicized through a funeral, wedding, or similar newspaper notice, hire a house sitter. Burglars often read the newspapers to see who’s planning to be away from home all day or for several days.
  • Ask your neighbors to use your garbage cans when you’re on vacation so your absence won’t be so evident.
  • If you’re going to be away from home for several days — or even for just one day — adjust your telephone ring to its lowest volume. An unanswered phone is a quick tip that your home is empty.

We’ve covered home security — when you’re there or when you’re away. Now you can rest easier no matter where you are.